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The HPM Vocal Coach Course
How to become a High Performance Master Vocal Coach
Do you want to build a successful business as a High Performance Master Coach?
Christine Sweet has developed a successful method with which she can teach everyone to sing at a very fast pace and with which she has been training new Vocal Coaches for 15 years. The HPM Vocal Coach Course will give you the knowledge, skills and insight you need to be an excellent successful Vocal Coach.
The HPM Vocal Coach Course will help you gain a professional understanding of the singing instrument, supported by anatomy, physiology, NLP techniques, voice science and the best singing pedagogy, so you can be confident that you are teaching safely and effectively.​
What does a professional High Performance Master Vocal Coach do?
As an instrument, the human voice is unique. It's closely connected to the body and influenced by how the singer feels, stands, breathes, and even thinks.
As a High Performance Master Vocal Coach, you work with a combination of technical knowledge and NLP Mental Coaching techniques to enhance the performance, vocal technique, and vocal life of your singing students. You learn, among other things, why some people sing out of tune and how to easily remove the blocks that cause this using modern and effective NLP techniques.
Like all teachers, Vocal Coaches must be good communicators and attentive listeners. A good Vocal Coach can pick up on a student's unconscious singing habits, technical weaknesses, and emotional and physical health all at once. They must also be flexible and nuanced in their approach; every person and every voice is different, and the best coaches tailor their approach to the needs of each student.
Enrollment in the program
You can enroll in this program at any time. You are welcome to get acquainted and receive more information via a Zoom meeting or phone call.
To start the HPM Vocal Coach program, you must have had at least a year of singing lessons. If this is not the case yet, Villa Ka offers this as well.
The training is online and therefore accessible worldwide. The lessons are divided into multiple one-on-one sessions of 1 to 2 hours each.
The duration of the High Performance Master Coach training depends on the desires and work pace of the participant.
Structure of the High Performance Master Vocal Coach Training:
The training consists of two parts that you follow simultaneously. One part trains you to become an NLP High Performance Coach. The other part consists of Master Classes in singing, where you deepen your singing knowledge and apply the lessons learned from NLP High Performance Coaching with, among other things, test clients. The combination of the two aspects of the training makes you a solid High Performance Master Vocal Coach.
NLP High Performance Master Coach:
Practitioner - here you learn the basic NLP techniques
Master Practitioner - here you deepen the basics and learn the Master techniques
High Performance Coach - here you become proficient in coaching and integrate all the learned techniques
Master Classes in singing - here you learn, among other things:
Advanced singing techniques
Knowledge of singing and studio equipment
Anatomy of the vocal instrument
Music theory
Simple music notation
Voice use in different music styles
Build your own vocal coaching practice
Exemption for certain parts of the training is possible in exceptional cases, provided that the content, scope, and level match.
The average duration of this private course is 3 years.
You can also complete the course faster or slower if you wish.
Your investment in the High Performance Master Vocal Coach course is €33.500,- inclusive VAT. (Part payments are possible)
This amount includes:
360 hours NLP Coaching lessons; including intervision and personal guidance
80 hours Advanced HPM Vocal Coaching
3 Digital NLP tutorials in PDF
Three internationally recognized NLP Certificates: NLP High Performance Practitioner, NLP High Performance Master and High Performance Master Coaching
Villa Ka's official Vocal Coach Advanced Techniques Certificate


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HPM Vocal Coach education